

时间:2022-05-19 作者:港勤商务 浏览:



Turnover 要害运营的业务流程盈利
Business Tax 主要经营的业务流程税金及附加
Cost of sales 要害运营的业务流程成本费用
Gross Margin 经营利润率
Other operating income 其他主营业务收入
Interest Income 利息费用
Gain from investment in securites 投资盈利
Change in fair value of investment properties 投资物业管理服务服务项目公正实际意义之溢利
Other operating expenses 其他业务流程开支
Selling expenses 营业费用
Administrative expenses 成本
Provision on investment in securities 拥有作交易之投资公正实际意义之溢利
Finance costs 营业费用
Share of results of jointly controlled entities 应占结合经营公司出售总额
Taxation 税费
Minority interests 公司股东本年利润
This year's (profit) loss 年度利纯


Operating activities: 生产制作经营
Profit before tax 稅前运营溢利
Adjustment:- 调节:-
Share of result of jointly controlled entities 应占相互之间把持公司出售总额
Depreciation 折旧费
Allowance for doubtful debts (补贴拨到),呆坏帐补贴
Change in fair value of investment properties 投资物业管理服务服务项目公正实际意义之溢利
Change in fair value of investments held for trading 拥有作交易之投资之公正实际意义溢利
interest received 利息费用
Finance costs 营业费用
Impairment loss on goodwill of JCE 相互之间把持公司之商誉减值伤害
Impairment loss on goodwill arising on acquisition of 帮扶予附设公司之好处造成商誉减值伤害
additional interest in subsidiaries 售卖物业管理服务服务项目、工业厂房及工业装备之赔本(盈利)
Loss on disposal of PPE 拥有作交易之投资之赔本(盈利)
Gain on disposal of jointly controlled entities 售卖一间相互之间把持公司之盈利
Write-back of trade payables 处置貿易应收帐款拨到未计周转资金变化前之运营业务流程及现金流
Increase in inventories of properties 物业管理服务服务项目库存商品之减少(进步)
Increase in other inventories 其他库存商品之减少(进步)
Increase in trade and other receivables 应收帐款贸易以及它应收账款之进步
Increase in investments held for trading 拥有作交易之投资的减少(进步)
Increase in trade and other payables 处置貿易以及它应收帐款之进步(减少)
Increase in sales deposits received 市场出售预付款之进步(减少)
Cash generated from operation 运营业务流程造成之现钱        
Dividend received 已收股利支付率
Tax paid- income tax 预付款企业所得税
Tax paid- land value added tax 预付款土增
Refund of tax 企业所得税退还    
Net cash inflow generated from operation 运营业务流程之现金流净收益投资业务流程
Interest received 利息费用
Purchase of property, plant and equipment 购置物业管理服务服务项目,工业厂房及工业装备
Proceeds from disposal of property, plant and equipment 售卖物业管理服务服务项目,工业厂房及工业装备之赢利   附设公司回收
Acquisition of additional interest in sub 帮扶予附设公司之好处
Net cash from disposal of a subsidiary 售卖一间附设公司之净现金赢利
Cash received on disposal of a JCE 售卖一间相互之间把持公司之券后现钱
Dividend received from a JCE 接到一间相互之间把持公司的股利支付率
Repayment from related companies 起源于关系公司的(预付款)还贷
Advances to JCE 向相互之间把持公司付款的预付款
Capital contributions to JCE 向相互之间把持公司投资
Net cash from investing activities 来自投资之现钱基金净值    
Financing activities 质押股权股权融资业务流程
Capital contribution from minority shareholders 小公司股东投入资本
Decrease in amounts due to related companies 处置关系公司认缴出资额之减少
Increase in amounts due to shareholders 处置公司=股东应收账款之进步
Increase in amounts due to JCE 处置相互之间把持公司应收账款之进步(减少)
New bank loans raised 新筹资贷款金融企业
Repayment of bank loans 还款贷款金融企业
Repayment of other borrowings 还款其他贷款
Interest paid 预付款股利支付率
Dividend paid 预付款银行贷款利率
Net cash from financing activities 质押股权融资业务流程小计        
Net increase/ (decrease) in cash & cash equivalent 现钱及等同于现钱最新投资项目之变化    
Cash & cash equivalent at 1 January 现钱及等同于现钱最新投资项目承上本年度
Cash & cash equivalent at 30 November 结转成本现钱及等同于现钱最新投资项目
Analysis of the balance of cash and cash equivalents 现钱及等同于现钱最新投资项目标分析
Bank balances and cash 金融机构标价入库及现钱










